Slip and Fall
What should I be doing before I see an attorney?
I am not sure yet how serious my slip and fall was. You should do the following: Document all events in a journal, including doctor’s visits, and any contact by anyone regarding the accident; Photograph your injuries as well as...
A friend slipped in my garage and really hurt himself. I do have premises liability insurance, but feel that this was in no way my fault. Am I liable?
Actually, most homeowner’s insurance policies provide coverage for medical bills regardless of fault. These claims generally must be made in a short time span, so be sure to check your policy for this provision. Beyond medical expenses, you will be...
Do I need an expert witness to prove a premises liability case?
There are times that an expert witness can be used to good advantage in a premises liability case. This is particularly true if a case goes to trial. Medical experts, contractors, economists, engineers and others may have special knowledge that...
I was attacked in the parking lot at the Mall. Can I sue the owners for my bills?
Generally, the owner or owners of a business are responsible for reasonable security on their property or premises. Adequate lighting, for example, is an essential for safety. A significant period of criminal activity on or around a property would also...
I slipped and fell in my grocery store due to a broken jar of pickles. My ankle is broken and I have some cuts. The store says that there had not been time for their clean-up crew so they are not responsible. Is this true?
Their insurance company will probably try to use this argument, but it is often not successful. Businesses are generally liable for the negligence of their cleaning crew. You have a reasonable case, and Scott C. Gottlieb can advise you as...
I slipped on ice or snow. Is the property owner responsible for my injuries?
An insurance company for a property owner will often pay for medical expenses up to a fixed limit, regardless of the property owner’s fault. However, an additional claim for your pain and suffering may exist if the property owner was...
What if I have other questions?
Contact us today. We will answer your questions and discuss your case.